The problem with many people today is they try to do things without thinking about the consequences. They are not as careful as they used to be. For instance, in the past, parents, specifically, mothers were very nurturing and caring. They put in so much effort just to make sure that their child gets the best of everything. For pregnant women, they try their best to make sure that they are healthy so their child will be so too.
But at present, it is so saddening that things have changed. In Ireland, A baby is born suffering from alcohol or drug withdrawal symptoms once every three days because the mother drank heavily during pregnancy or was addicted to drugs. Figures obtained by the Irish Examiner show the scale of the hidden health crisis, despite repeated HSE and Tusla public awareness campaigns.
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Details released under the Freedom of Information Act show that between 2014 and 2017, doctors diagnosed a newborn baby suffering withdrawal from addiction to alcohol or drugs (legal or illegal) 485 times.
The HSE — whose figures do not include emergency department or outpatient cases, meaning the true rate is likely to be far higher — declined to provide a hospital-by-hospital or county-by-county breakdown to protect the identities of the families involved.
Similarly, officials declined to detail the exact annual figures for certain categories in some years, for the same reason.