Find 30-Day Inpatient Drug Rehabs Near You!
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According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse,
only about 4 million of the estimated 22.5 million
Americans classified as having an addiction will receive
the care they need to become sober again.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, only about 4 million of the estimated 22.5 million Americans classified as having an addiction will receive the care they need to become sober again.
Addicted individuals and their loved ones should not rush to enlist in substance abuse or rehab program. Choosing the right approach is a crucial step towards recovery, and so it shouldn’t be treated as a quick decision. However, time may be of the essence when choosing an addiction treatment center- for those on the verge of an overdose. What should you look for when choosing a substance abuse treatment center? For starters, the duration of rehab may vary from one facility to another. There are 30-day rehabs, 60-day rehabs, and 90-day rehabs—all of which have their own set of benefits. If the patient wants to try a 30-day rehab program, there are still a lot of different factors to consider when choosing a substance abuse treatment program.
All of these need to be factored in when choosing the facility to enroll in because it will influence the treatment process and the outcome. For example: would the patient like an inpatient program or would an outpatient program benefit them more? The structured environment of an inpatient program makes it highly effective, even for patients with severe cases of addiction. On the other hand, an outpatient approach is less focused and less structured, but it also gives the patient more freedom to attend to their other responsibilities. Some patients need round-the-clock care, while others need flexibility in terms of schedules. When choosing a 30-day rehab facility, here are some of the most important things to consider: monetary policies, programs offered, facility offerings, quality of food, housing, room quality, and aftercare opportunities.
A 60 day drug rehab program requires patients to live in a rehab center for a 60-day period. As a 30 day program requires a 30 day stay. According to the mental health services administration, longer duration substance abuse programs often have lower relapse rates. During the program, the addicted individual will attend solo and group therapy sessions, participate in 12-step or other support group meetings, and learn relapse prevention techniques. Their substance abuse treatment experience will equip them with the skills and coping techniques that they need to stay sober on their own.
Residential rehab or inpatient substance abuse treatment settings also give them the opportunity to live with other people who are going through the same struggles. This will make them feel less isolated, helping them build a sober support network of friends and peers. The mental health services administration encourages peer-to-peer support, which inpatient addiction treatment programs offer.
While some 30-day programs require the patients to reside in the facility for the entire 30 days and might not be allowed to have visitors in that time, others grant more flexibility as the recovery progresses. These substance abuse programs have an initial restricted period that may loosen up as the patient makes progress towards recovery. There are also programs that allow patients to come and go as they please, or let visitors come in from the start. It all depends on the facility’s rules—each facility is different.
It can be helpful to check out several programs before deciding to commit to one, because there are a wide variety of 30-day programs out there.

30-day drug rehab programs are often a good starting point for people who are struggling with addiction. This is because most people dealing with drug addiction or alcoholism are initially reluctant to make a long term commitment. Some might think they don’t need help and they don’t want to attend a program for addiction treatment services at all.
But 30 days is a short enough time period for people who are otherwise unwilling to give it a shot at all. But a 30-day rehab program is not a shortcut. It is enough time for a person to clear their head from their addiction. Within 30 days, the patient can detox and begin to adjust to the sober lifestyle. It allows them to think more clearly. This means they are more likely to make good decisions and apply what they learned from the rehab program, even after the treatment period has ended. The good news is that many programs will be able to extend the duration of the treatment if it is necessary.
The decision on whether or not to extend the duration of treatment will be based on the progress the patient has made during the first 30 days. Patients or their loved ones can even make arrangements to transfer individuals to a longer program, if needed.
On average, 30-day drug rehabs are cheaper than longer-term programs. This is mainly because of the duration. Inpatient treatment programs of this type can range between $400 and $900 per day, for a total of $14,000 to $27,000 depending on the level of care needed and the luxury level of the facility. The costs of rehab cover food, room and board, and the intensive therapy for the duration of the program. Insurance companies are more likely to cover the costs of a 30-day addiction rehab program than their longer-term counterparts. Addiction treatment services are one of the best investments someone struggling with drug or alcohol abuse can make.
All facilities are slightly different from one another, so patients looking for a rehab facility will need to evaluate a few things before choosing. They need to check if the staff members are qualified to provide the care they are giving. While the people who work at 30-day treatment programs don’t all have PhD or MD degrees, there should at least be one qualified medical practitioner and at least one licensed psychologist on staff.
Addiction is a complicated medical condition, and so it must be handled by staff members who have expertise specifically with dealing with addictions. It is particularly helpful if they are knowledgeable about the specific addiction that the patient is dealing with. Some facilities specialize in alcohol addiction, for example. Patients should consider the treatment techniques used in a certain facility. Rehabs often use techniques that have been tried and tested for the treatment of addiction. Evidence-based practices are tailored to specific substances that are commonly abused, such as opioids.
By using methods such as medical detox, the patient can slowly reduce their intake while staying safe from withdrawal symptoms. Evidence-based treatment techniques are more likely to help addicted people achieve long-term sobriety. Some examples of evidence-based treatment are medication-assisted treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy, contingency management and motivational enhancement therapy. The payment methods accepted by the rehab facility in question should also be taken into consideration. If they do not accept insurance, then they might not be able to help a patient even if they are covered by it.
Some allow for payment in installments. Each rehab facility is different when it comes to the financial side of things, but most of them try to make it as convenient and accessible as possible. Lastly, patients need to consider aftercare opportunities and flexible schedules. Although the program itself may only be a 30-day addiction rehab, some individuals who complete the program may still want or need ongoing help afterwards. It is important to find out how the rehab facility handles aftercare and the transition between rehab and the sober lifestyle—because many patients need help going through that. Aftercare plans are developed throughout the treatment process. They are tailored to each person’s needs. Some programs are designed to offer their own follow-up care with on-site outpatient therapy. Others simply refer the patient to existing aftercare programs. Some may refer graduates to private therapy or 12-step meetings for continuous support. Aftercare sets patients off on the right foot, giving them the opportunity to start over fresh after surviving addiction. Staying sober is another part of the recovery process. Also, patients should try to look for programs that offer the option to extend treatment if necessary, in case the 30-day treatment doesn’t work out.
Drug treatment is an organized process. But for any plan to succeed, it requires the participation of the patient. This is one of the most important things that a patient can bring to their rehab experience: the willingness to cooperate and endure. Each patient needs to have a realistic understanding of what drug rehab provides. It is not a magical solution that will wave the problems goodbye. It is a process that requires long term commitment. They will only be given the resources and support they need to succeed. Patients will have to utilize those resources to the best possible outcome. This means following instructions and remaining resilient through difficult times.
Understanding Drug Abuse
Substance abuse disorder affects many people around the world. Understanding this condition not only emphasizes the need for proper addiction treatment but also gives you the information you need to support someone who is going through this difficult situation.
You can do more than just look up terms like “American addiction centers logo” or “addiction treatment facilities near you”. You can offer support to your loved one the right way, and the best way to start doing so is by doing your research on drug abuse and how it affects people.
Substance use disorder, also known as drug addiction or alcohol addiction, is a disease that affects a person’s brain, preventing them from controlling their intake. Whether it is an illegal substance or a prescription drug, the addicted individual will compulsively take it even when they are already experiencing its adverse effects. Despite its harmful effects on your mind and body, you will keep taking the drug or drinking alcohol.
There are many potential causes of substance use disorder. Some people experiment with drugs with their friends by taking it recreationally. Some use it to alleviate stress or “get away” from their problems for a while. Others receive treatment for a different condition and get prescribed with medication, only to end up misusing it.
There are many factors that determine a person’s likelihood of becoming addicted. Some people are genetically predisposed to alcoholism or addiction. Others turn to drugs and alcohol because of their toxic home environment or work environment. The more risk factors a person is exposed to, the greater the chances of becoming addicted somewhere down the line.
However, there are also protective factors that reduce the chances of this happening, such as addiction education, a supportive environment, a healthy support system, etc.
Some substances are more addictive than others. With medications like opioids, addiction can begin even if it was prescribed by a doctor, especially if you don’t follow the prescription carefully.
Regardless of what type of substance it is, the person eventually develops a tolerance for it, meaning they have to take more of the drug just to experience the same effects. And since they want to get high or feel euphoric, they will keep taking the drug until they feel something. As drug intake increases, it becomes more and more difficult to go without the drug. Eventually, the person may develop physical dependence. It is at this point that the body has already adjusted to the substance’s constant presence. It will produce a negative reaction if the person suddenly stops or lowers their intake. This is called withdrawal.
Any person going through alcohol and drug rehab will go through this period of withdrawal, and it is one of the most difficult stages of the recovery process. Withdrawal can be painful and uncomfortable. Withdrawal symptoms may vary depending on the type of drug that was taken. In any case, attempting to stop drug use may lead to intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms. This is why a lot of people relapse.
Seeking addiction treatment is the best way to address substance use disorder, physical dependence, and withdrawal. 30 day rehab programs allow the patient to go through the recovery process properly, with a step by step approach that takes their personal needs into consideration. Whether it’s drug or alcohol addiction, proper treatment is necessary.
Before you look into American addiction centers location and other treatment options, you should first know what signs and symptoms to look out for if you think someone you love is struggling with substance abuse.

Symptoms of Substance Abuse and Addiction
A person who is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction may exhibit certain behavioral changes that you want to watch out for. They may become secretive or irritable as they try to hide their drug and alcohol intake.
Drinking in the middle of the day, drinking alone, or lying about your alcohol intake may be an indicator of alcohol abuse, for example.
Similarly, a person who is abusing certain drugs may feel like they need to take it regularly. They may act unusually as they try to seek out, obtain, and use their drug of choice. This may be coupled with financial problems. The addicted individual may begin neglecting their job or their other responsibilities. They may also neglect their relationships, cutting back on social and recreational activities in favor of their choice of drug.
Over time, the person will have to take more and more of the drug just to get the same effect. They may take larger amounts than they intended. If they have a prescription for the drug, they may run out much sooner than they are supposed to.
Some people who are addicted to prescription medications try “doctor shopping” wherein they visit multiple doctors to try and get the same prescription repeatedly.
Aside from doctor shopping, the addicted individual may continue to engage in all sorts of risky behavior, like stealing or driving while under the influence. They may even get into fights, or even an accident. They will continue to abuse the drug or the drink even though it is already affecting every aspect of their life.
If they attempt to quit, they may fail repeatedly until they start seeking addiction treatment. Once you have recognized these unhealthy behaviors, you may begin offering your support by convincing them to get the help that they need.
You can look into inpatient and outpatient treatment, learn about their differences, and figure out which works best for your loved one. You can find out about the rules and regulations of prospective rehab programs: things like mobile phone usage, message and data rates, things to bring, and whether or not they accept insurance from your insurance provider.
Identifying these warning signs is the first step towards helping your loved one make healthier choices. In case of a medical emergency such as an overdose, look for medical treatment immediately. Signs of an overdose include changes in consciousness, breathing difficulties, seizures, convulsions, chest pain, and other signs of a possible heart attack like chest pressure.
You don’t have to wait for someone to experience an overdose before you seek help. You can even stage an intervention for your addicted loved one. This step is important if you need them to see how their behavior is affecting you. It is a structured opportunity to guide the patient towards positive life changes. This has to be planned and executed carefully, and ideally with the assistance of an intervention professional.
Counseling for Drug Rehab
There will be bad days. That is what makes recovery so challenging—and that is why drug rehab is necessary. Individuals seeking balance and strength will sometimes stumble and feel weak. But obstacles are common and to be expected. There are so many problems along the way that need to be dealt with. Payment for treatment is perhaps the biggest obstacle. But the good news is that most rehab facilities work with insurance. If not, there are several payment options for treatment. Financing options, insurance coverage, financial assistance from friends and family—these are all on the table. Not to mention the fact that many rehab facilities are actually more affordable than others. Steer clear of luxury rehab, unless there are funds available for it. The traditional rehab should work wonders.
American Addiction Centers: Choosing a 30 Day Recovery Program
Getting sober alone is extremely difficult and also dangerous. Not only is the risk of relapse high, the cravings and withdrawal are also very challenging to deal with. This is therefore not recommended. Many addiction treatment centers provide residential treatment, also known as inpatient treatment, as mentioned earlier. The main benefit of inpatient treatment is its structured treatment plan that follows a strict schedule. This establishes control, which is important for any patient who has been feeling helpless over their situation.
How to Choose an Inpatient Treatment Center
While finding the right addiction rehab can seem overwhelming, help is available. There are plenty of resources available to help with the search. Finding the right one can go a long way in ensuring the success of the treatment. Visiting local rehabs and paying attention to the surroundings and the staff first-hand is a great idea to get a feel for the rehab facility’s atmosphere.
Asking about treatment methods, policies, and payment options can give the patient a solid idea on how things work in that facility. This will help them choose the right fit later on. There are facilities for certain demographics and preferences. There are programs designed for patients with co-occurring mental or physical illnesses. Loved ones can also try looking for online resources that provide the necessary information on different rehabs.
Most rehab facilities nowadays have websites or just hotlines people can dial to get more information. Admitting that there is a substance problem or addiction is never easy. Getting started on rehab can even be scary. But the short-term commitment that 30-day rehabs provide is one of its biggest benefits, and can really get one foot in the door for patients who are afraid of treatment. A rehab program lasting only 28 or 30 days is a relatively short time commitment, but the rewards of sobriety can be lifelong. If someone in the family is struggling with opioid or alcohol addiction, it is important to seek help.
A combination of medical detox and behavioral therapy can go a long way in the fight against drug abuse. But because every individual is affected by addiction differently, a comprehensive program tailored to their specific needs is necessary. Look for a nearby addiction treatment facility today and find out how drug treatment programs work.
Outpatient Drug Rehab
Outpatient drug rehab is less focused, but more flexible. This means it has a higher chance of relapse, and that is why it is not recommended for those with long term addictions or severe dependence. It is perfect for those with more manageable conditions who want to continue working or could not stay in a treatment facility for 30 days for any reason. Because it is an outpatient program, it requires frequent visits to the treatment facility. Patients are encouraged to stay sober. Because it does not take the person away from their environment, they are still exposed to all the temptations and issues they were previously dealing with.
Rehab Is your best Chance
Treatment is an addicted individualʼs best option if they want to recover. Beating an addiction not only requires eliminating the physical dependence, but also addressing the behavioral factors that prevent them from wanting to get better. Simply quitting may not change the psychological aspect of addiction. Some people quit for a while, and then take drugs again, only to overdose because they did not detox properly. Recovery involves changing the way the patient feels, thinks, and behaves. If you or a loved one needs longer term inpatient addiction care options, then consider 30 day rehabs, or 90 day rehabs. Want to know what to expect at inpatient rehab? What to expect from inpatient rehab, is a great read.