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A review article published in the journal Epidemiologia describes the impact of cannabis use on mental health among Australian and American youth.

Cannabis has a century-old history of use for medical, spiritual, and recreational purposes. Its popularity is increasing among young people worldwide, reflecting a global prevalence of 2.8%.

The estimated prevalence of cannabis use among youth in the United States is 7.1%, making it the second-most used substance after alcohol. In Australia, cannabis use prevalence is about 34% among young people aged 14 years and above.

The use of cannabis is increasing globally because of the general perception of its harmless nature and lack of dependence. However, a large pool of evidence indicates the negative health impact of long-term and frequent cannabis use.

The psychoactive compound 9 delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) present in cannabis is primarily responsible for adverse mental health outcomes among users. Cannabis also contains some beneficial bioactive compounds, including cannabichromene (CBC), which is known to have pain-relieving, neuroprotective, and anti-inflammatory properties. 

The article sheds light on a study highlighting the association between cannabis use and mental health risks among youth. Research suggests that cannabis consumption during adolescence can lead to various mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and psychotic symptoms.

The study underscores the importance of educating young individuals about the potential risks associated with cannabis use, especially during critical developmental stages. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of cannabis due to ongoing brain development, which can be negatively impacted by the psychoactive compounds present in the drug.

If you or someone you know is grappling with addiction or experiencing mental health challenges exacerbated by substance abuse, it’s crucial to seek professional assistance. Contact at 855-339-1112 to connect with trained specialists who can provide personalized support and guidance. Whether it’s overcoming addiction or addressing underlying mental health issues, reaching out for help is a vital step towards recovery and improved well-being. Don’t hesitate to seek help and start your journey towards a healthier and happier life.

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Fel Clinical Director of Content
Felisa Laboro has been working with addiction and substance abuse businesses since early 2014. She has authored and published over 1,000 articles in the space. As a result of her work, over 1,500 people have been able to find treatment. She is passionate about helping people break free from alcohol or drug addiction and living a healthy life.

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