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In a new study of more than 50,000 Korean adolescents, those who used a smartphone for more than 4 hours per day had higher rates of adverse mental health and substance use. Jin-Hwa Moon and Jong Ho Cha of Hanyang University Medical Center, Korea, and colleagues present these findings in the open-access journal PLOS ONE on December 6, 2023.

Prior research has shown that smartphone use among adolescents has increased in recent years and that this usage may be associated with a higher risk of adverse health, such as psychiatric disorders, sleep issues, eye-related problems, and musculoskeletal disorders. However, growing evidence suggests that at least some daily internet usage may be associated with better physical and mental health for adolescents.

To deepen understanding of the relationship between adolescents’ use of smartphones and health, Moon, Cha, and colleagues analyzed data on more than 50,000 adolescent participants in the ongoing Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey collected in 2017 and in 2020. The data included the approximate number of daily hours each participant spent on a smartphone and various health measures. The statistical analysis employed propensity score matching to help account for other factors that could be linked to health outcomes, such as age, sex, and socioeconomic status.

A recent study sheds light on the concerning connection between excessive smartphone use and mental health risks among adolescents. This article provides insights into the research findings, emphasizing the importance of addressing this growing concern.

The study highlights potential mental health implications such as increased anxiety, depression, and overall emotional distress associated with prolonged smartphone use in adolescents. As the digital landscape becomes an integral part of daily life, understanding and mitigating these risks become paramount for the well-being of young individuals.

If you or someone you know is grappling with addiction or mental health challenges exacerbated by excessive smartphone use, RehabNear.Me is ready to offer support. Our dedicated team can provide guidance and resources tailored to your unique situation. Take the initiative to break free from the cycle of smartphone-related mental health risks.

Reach out to RehabNear.Me at 855-339-1112, and let us guide you towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Your well-being matters and our compassionate team is here to help you or your loved one on the path to recovery and mental wellness.

Call 855-339-1112 today and take the first step toward a brighter, healthier future with RehabNear.Me.


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Fel Clinical Director of Content
Felisa Laboro has been working with addiction and substance abuse businesses since early 2014. She has authored and published over 1,000 articles in the space. As a result of her work, over 1,500 people have been able to find treatment. She is passionate about helping people break free from alcohol or drug addiction and living a healthy life.

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