

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse,
only about 4 million of the estimated 22.5 million
Americans classified as having an addiction will receive the care they need to become sober again.


Hydrocodone is a semi-synthetic opioid produced from codeine, an opioid found in opium poppy plant. The drug falls under the narcotic analgesics or pain killer medicines. Commonly comes in a liquid form, doctors prescribed the drug to relieve pain, stops and even prevents a cough.  The drug is considered as an opioid which affects the nervous system and used as a pain medication to alleviate moderate to severe pain.

The drug proved as more helpful than codeine for suppressing cough but more deadly that morphine.


In 1920 Carl Mannich and Helene Lowenheim first synthesized hydrocodone in Germany.  The Food and Drug Administration approved the use of the drug on March 23, 1943. The Health Canada also approved hydrocodone under the brand name, hycodan.

The two added oxygen to codeine to solve the common side effect of it such as stomach discomfort and high level of toxicity.

Knoll first marketed hydrocodone as Dicodid in Germany on February 1924. Within a few years, several drugs came out in the market such as Dilaudid, Dihydrin, Dinarkon and Dimorphan.


As a painkiller, hydrocodone acts in the thousands of opioid receptors on the body. It does not cure the pain through its source, it only changes the patient’s perception of the pain. The feeling can be habit-forming particularly to people who seek the sensation. Some of the sought after sensation includes, numbness, sleepiness, reduced stress even increased the sense of one’s self.

According to the International Narcotics Control Board, hydrocodone is prescribed mainly in the United States. Reports stated that the US consumed about 99% of the international supply in 2007. The prescribed name of Hydrocodone includes Vicodin, Norco, and Lortab.

In a study of the National Institute of Health or NIH, it estimated that 20% of Americans consumed the drug such as Vicodin for non-medical reasons. An increasing number of people abused the drug. A more alarming report came from the Drug Enforcement Administration or DEA in 2013. The report shows that in the US alone, 24 million over the 21 years of age used hydrocodone for no apparent reasons.

Addiction effects and Treatment for Hydrocodone near you

One key factor that made hydrocodone as one highly addictive drug is its availability. The DEA reported that 136 hydrocodone dispensed prescription were made in 2013. Numbers continues to rise with an added increase of 20 million of prescription each year since 2006.

Hydrocodone use resulted to an estimated 100,000 abuse-related hospital emergency related in the US for the year 2011. To decrease the numbers, the US government created stricter prescribing rules for the drug in 2014.

Signs and symptoms

Addiction to hydrocodone usually starts with a prescription which leads to its dependence. It then gradually rises for the need to consume hydrocodone in spite of its side effects. The effects of hydrocodone can be deadly like that of morphine and heroin.

The drug works in the reward system of the brain which fortifies for its dependence. Prolonged abuse of the drug can result in the short and long term damage in both physical and mental state.

Hydrocodone Drug Detox

Long-term exposure to hydrocodone can lead to irreversible outcomes. The drug can affect the normal function of the brain reward system, thus making it hard to find pleasure in most activities.

Hydrocodone contains depressant quality and can result to some of the serious side effects listed. The drug can slow down the heart rate which may stop the beating of the heart.

Patient contribution to effective
addiction treatment

Drug treatment for hydrocodone is an organized process. But for any plan to succeed, it requires the participation of the patient. This is one of the most important things that a patient can bring to their rehab experience: the willingness to cooperate and endure. Each patient needs to have a realistic understanding of what drug rehab provides. It is not a magical solution that will wave the problems goodbye. It is a process that requires long term commitment. They will only be given the resources and support they need to succeed. Patients will have to utilize those resources to the best possible outcome. This means following instructions and remaining resilient through difficult times.

Challenges and obstracles

There will be bad days. That is what makes recovery so challenging—and that is why drug rehab is necessary. Individuals seeking balance and strength will sometimes stumble and feel weak. But obstacles are common and to be expected. There are so many problems along the way that need to be dealt with. Payment for treatment is perhaps the biggest obstacle. But the good news is that most rehab facilities work with insurance. If not, there are several payment options for treatment. Financing options, insurance coverage, financial assistance from friends and family—these are all on the table. Not to mention the fact that many rehab facilities are actually more affordable than others. Steer clear of luxury rehab, unless there are funds available for it. The traditional rehab should work wonders.

Inpatient hydrocodone Drug Rehab 

Getting sober alone is extremely difficult and also dangerous. Not only is the risk of relapse high, the cravings and withdrawal are also very challenging to deal with. This is therefore not recommended. Many addiction treatment centers provide residential treatment, also known as inpatient treatment, as mentioned earlier. The main benefit of inpatient treatment is its structured treatment plan that follows a strict schedule. This establishes control, which is important for any patient who has been feeling helpless over their situation.

How to Choose an inpatient treatment center

There are a variety of differences among treatment programs. It is therefore important to ask the right questions in order to find the treatment program that is most suitable. The first thing to ask is what type of addiction the program treats. It helps to find a center that has experience and a high success rate in terms of treating the patientʼs specific addiction as well as their co-occurring disorders. Every substance has different physical and psychological effects, and so the detox and counseling process could be very different with each facility.

Outpatient drug rehab

Outpatient drug rehab is less focused, but more flexible. This means it has a higher chance of relapse, and that is why it is not recommended for those with long term addictions or severe dependence. It is perfect for those with more manageable conditions who want to continue working or could not stay in a treatment facility for 30 days for any reason. Because it is an outpatient program, it requires frequent visits to the treatment facility. Patients are encouraged to stay sober. Because it does not take the person away from their environment, they are still exposed to all the temptations and issues they were previously dealing with.

Rehab Is your best Chance

Treatment is an addicted individualʼs best option if they want to recover. Beating an addiction not only requires eliminating the physical dependence, but also addressing the behavioral factors that prevent them from wanting to get better. Simply quitting may not change the psychological aspect of addiction. Some people quit for a while, and then take drugs again, only to overdose because they did not detox properly. Recovery involves changing the way the patient feels, thinks, and behaves.

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