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RehabNear.Me is a leading substance abuse treatment & mental health website and blog designed to educate and help people find quality treatment centers.

What are the Effects of Drug Abuse on the Community?

Navigation: Effects on Family Dynamics, Strain on the Healthcare System, Crime Rates, Economic Impact, Social Stigma, Environmental Impact, What Can Communities Do Against Drug Abuse and Addiction?   Drug abuse is undeniably a serious problem that affects many...

Knitting is Beneficial for People with Mental Health Problems, Study Shows

A study from the University of Gothenburg shows that knitting is beneficial for people living with mental health issues. Knitting is described as a way of bringing a sense of calm and giving life structure. Interest in knitting has soared in recent years and the trend...

Can Long Term Drug Abuse Cause Brain Lesions?

Navigation: Understanding Brain Lesions, Can Long Term Drug Abuse Cause Brain Lesions?, Effects of Chronic Drug Abuse on the Brain, Neurotoxicity, Vascular Effects, Indirect Consequences, Drug Addiction Prevention, Drug Addiction Treatment Drug abuse is a significant...

Amid Mental Health Staffing Crunch, Medi-Cal Patients Help One Another

Three people gathered in a classroom on a recent rainy afternoon listened intently as Derrick Cordero urged them to turn their negative feelings around. “What I’m hearing is that you’re a self-starter,” he told one participant, who had taken up...

Why Do Alcoholics Drink?

Navigation: What is Substance Abuse, Alcohol Addiction, and Alcohol Dependence?, Why Do Alcoholics Drink?, They Want to Forget their Problems, They Live in a Toxic Home Environment, They Are Working in an Industry that is Prone to Alcohol Use, They Are Experiencing...

Study Highlights Cannabis Use Linked to Mental Health Risks in Youth

A review article published in the journal Epidemiologia describes the impact of cannabis use on mental health among Australian and American youth. Cannabis has a century-old history of use for medical, spiritual, and recreational purposes. Its popularity is increasing...

Should Family Members of Addicted Individuals Attend Meetings?

Navigation: Understanding Addiction as a Family Affair, Benefits of Family Attendance at Meetings, Education and Understanding, Support and Validation, Learning Coping Strategies, Facilitating Healing and Reconciliation, Potential Drawbacks and Considerations, Other...

Innovative Interventions Combat Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change

In a recent review published in the journal NPJ Mental Health Research, researchers conducted a scoping review to assess the impacts of climate change on global mental and psychosocial health. They further investigate the outcomes of studies introducing unique...


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