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Social Media Use Linked to Rising Teen Mental Health Issues, Study Reveals

In an article published in the journal Nature Reviews Psychology, researchers in Germany and the United Kingdom described the mechanisms through which social media might influence behavioral, cognitive, and neurobiological changes in adolescents, which in turn...

Understanding the Effects of Valium Abuse and Addiction

Navigation: Signs of Valium Addiction, Effects of Valium Addiction   Valium is known for its calming properties. This is why it is often used to treat conditions such as anxiety and muscle spasms. But just like all other benzodiazepines, this drug is also highly...

Price Inflation Tied to Higher Mental Health Service Utilization among Adults and Elderly in England

In a recent study published in Nature Mental Health, researchers evaluated the relationship between price elevation and psychiatric care in the British population in post-coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic times. The United Kingdom’s economic recovery...

Salvia: Effects of Abuse, Dependence, and Addiction

Navigation: Salvia Overview, Salvia Abuse, Salvia Dependence and Addiction, Effects of Salvia Abuse   Salvia is a plant with powerful hallucinogenic properties. Because of its mind-altering effects, it is commonly recreationally abused. Just like many other...

Is Alcoholism Considered a Mental Illness?

Navigation: Understanding Alcoholism, Is Alcoholism Considered a Mental Illness?, What is the Relationship Between Alcohol Abuse and Mental Health?, What Mental Health Problems Typically Co-Occur with Alcohol Use Disorder?, How Are Co-Occurring Disorders Treated in...

Americans Perceive Mental Health Treatment as Inferior to Physical Health Care, Survey Reveals

Three-quarters of Americans feel mental health conditions are identified and treated much worse than physical health issues within the U.S. healthcare system, even as more than 80% perceive a dramatic rise in prevalence of mental health issues in the last five years,...

Chatbots for Mental Health Pose New Challenges for US Regulatory Framework

In a recent review published in Nature Medicine, a group of authors examined the regulatory gaps and potential health risks of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven wellness apps, especially in handling mental health crises without sufficient oversight. The rapid...

Best Rehabs in North Carolina

Navigation: Choose the Best North Carolina Rehabilitation Centers, Inpatient Rehabs in North Carolina, Alcohol Rehabs in North Carolina, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in North Carolina   North Carolina has plenty of rural areas that are vulnerable to drug...


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