Drug Rehab Treatment
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Does Drug Rehab Treatment Work?
The main goal of addiction treatment is to help someone stop using their substance of choice.
How Effective is Drug Addiction Treatment?, Is Treatment for Drug Dependence Effective?, What Makes an Addiction Treatment Program Effective?, What Aspect of Developing a Treatment Plan is Most Critical to the Success of the Client?, Is Drug Addiction Treatment Worth its Cost?, What Does Rehabilitation Do?, What Are Three Steps You Can Take to Stay Away from Drugs?, What Are the Major Causes of Drug Abuse?, Rehab is Your Best Chance
Addiction is a chronic condition, meaning it has no specific cure. But just like any other chronic conditions, addiction can be treated. It is completely possible for someone struggling with addiction to live a healthy, sober, and fulfilling life.
As most people would know, rehab is typically used to treat addicted individuals. But if you or someone you love is dealing with addiction, you may be wondering whether or not treatment is effective at all.
The main goal of addiction treatment is to help someone stop using their substance of choice—something that feels impossible for the addicted person. Another goal is to allow these people to reestablish a normal life. How effective are these rehab programs when it comes to achieving and maintaining long term sobriety?
Today we are going to explore drug and alcohol treatment and talk about its effectiveness, as well as its importance.
How Effective is Drug Addiction Treatment?
Although addiction cannot be cured per se, it can be managed through a proper treatment process. Rehab isn’t just about getting rid of the toxic substances in a person’s body, it is also about teaching them how to stay sober once the rehab process is over.
Addiction is incredibly overwhelming because of its physical, mental, social, and financial effects. It is no surprise that addicted people feel hopeless—as if the substance has total control over them. Addiction recovery isn’t just a matter of willpower, unlike what some people believe. This stigma is dangerous because it disregards the fact that addiction is a medical condition that changes the way the brain functions. It alters the way people think, making it difficult for them to reject that particular substance.
It’s not just about cravings. When a person who has developed dependence on a certain substance attempts to quit, they will go through withdrawal, which is an uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous stage. Eventually, they go back to abusing the substance because they need to feel normal.
That said, treatment gives them the chance to counteract the disruptive effects of addiction. It gives them the opportunity to regain control over their body and over their lives.
As a chronic disease, relapse is not just a possibility but also something that is common and likely to happen. When a person relapses, this should not be judged as a moral failure, but rather another hurdle to be overcome. Rehab is effective because it equips people with the knowledge and skills they need to avoid relapse or at least minimize its likelihood.
In any case, it is important for an addicted individual to seek proper medical assistance because it is safer and more likely to succeed.
Is Treatment for Drug Dependence Effective?
Drug dependence is when a person feels like they cannot function normally without taking a certain drug or drinking alcohol. This is due to prolonged substance abuse. The body has already adjusted to the constant presence of the substance, and has adapted to it.
This is why rehab is important. Detox is one of the stages of rehab and it addresses the physical impact of addiction on a person. This process involves gradually lowering the patient’s intake until their body is no longer dependent on the drug. During this time, the person will go through withdrawal, but medical professionals and addiction experts can provide the proper support and attention they need during this difficult period.
During detox, the person may experience withdrawal symptoms like shaking, headaches, and nausea. They may also go through changes in their mood or other mental and behavioral effects such as agitation, depression, or anxiety. It is also normal to crave the substance during this period.
Detox is actually the body’s natural process of eliminating a substance from the body. In a rehab setting, this is usually done with the assistance of medications that help control, limit, or eliminate cravings as well as withdrawal symptoms.
The goal of this process is to reduce the impact and potential harm that can occur after quitting a drug. This is expected after a period of sustained substance abuse.
What Makes an Addiction Treatment Program Effective?
At the end of a person’s rehab journey, its success can be measured by their progress. The goal of addiction treatment, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the program should help patients achieve the following goals: become a productive member of their family, participate in society, and contribute within their workplace.
Normally when a person abuses a substance, everything else takes a backseat. As they slowly develop an addiction, their priority shifts and they begin to neglect their responsibilities in favor of abusing the substance. This is why becoming productive again after rehab is usually a good sign. The person should be able to rebuild their connections and even develop new relationships.
Overall, an addiction treatment program should not only work to eliminate addiction but also to improve the person’s quality of life.
Don’t worry if a person relapses after treatment. This is common: in fact studies show that 85 percent of people relapse within a year of treatment. Although that sounds bad, it is actually in line with other chronic diseases. The person can take extra steps to get their addiction under control once again. This goes to show that rehab programs are as effective—if not more so—than other treatment programs for chronic health conditions.
What Aspect of Developing a Treatment Plan is Most Critical to the Success of the Client?
Everyone experiences addiction differently. The physical effects, the behavioral changes, etc. This is why addiction treatment doesn’t work the same way for everyone. There is no strict program that applies to everyone; no one size fits all solution to addiction.
The thing that is most critical to the success of any addiction treatment program is individualization. A patient needs a personalized treatment plan that addresses their specific situation and needs. There are so many factors that may cause addiction. It is impossible to make just one standard treatment for it.
The best rehab facilities use an individualized approach for each patient. They will customize their treatment approach for every patient that comes in. Rehab facilities may offer multiple therapy options to go along with medical detox.
All addiction treatment programs should address the physical, mental, and emotional needs of the patient. It’s not enough to just manage the physical symptoms and adverse health effects. Addiction is such a complex condition that treating all co-occurring disorders is necessary to increase the chances of a successful recovery.
Is Drug Addiction Treatment Worth its Cost?
One of the biggest concerns of people who are considering rehab is the cost. Rehab can be expensive. However, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), there are rehab facilities that offer free treatment or a sliding fee scale based on the patient’s income and other factors.
Although these programs may be harder to find, they are available all over the country. These programs can fit your budget, making addiction treatment more accessible without having to break the bank. Many rehab facilities also accept health insurance so inquire about this option when selecting a treatment program.
Even if you did have to pay for addiction treatment, it is ultimately worth the cost because it can save your life. Your health should be your top priority.
Staying addicted to drugs or alcohol is more expensive in the long run. Not only will you have to spend a lot of money trying to obtain those substances, it will also affect other aspects of your life. A lot of addicted individuals struggle financially because they spend too much on their chosen substance. Their career suffers and they neglect their responsibilities.
Addiction treatment is an investment towards a healthier future.
In fact, it even has economic effects. It is said that substance abuse costs the United States over $600 billion annually. Treatment may help reduce these costs. For example, addiction treatment programs can help reduce drug-related crimes such as theft and car accidents.
What Does Rehabilitation Do?
The treatment process may be different for each individual, but they all involve some combination of intake, detox, therapy, and aftercare.
Intake is a comprehensive evaluation that leads to the development of a customized care plan that fits the person’s specific needs. If the patient has any co-occurring medical health problems, this will be discussed during intake to make sure they can receive the appropriate level of support. Dual diagnosis is common and it typically applies to people with addiction and mental health disorders. Both of these problems need to be addressed properly.
Right after intake, the addicted individual goes through medical detox. The goal of detox is to remove the drug from the body and eliminate dependence. It is not advisable for a person to quit cold turkey because withdrawal can be dangerous. Even during rehab, withdrawal can be uncomfortable—but it’s better to have medical experts on standby as you go through this difficult step in the process.
Therapy tackles the emotional effects of addiction as well as the causes of addictive behavior. This is where most facilities differ. Their approach to behavioral therapy and rehab will vary. Regardless of the approach and the treatment programs, this stage will help the patient build a strong foundation for long term sobriety.
Rehab teaches recovering individuals how to maintain their sobriety using healthy coping mechanisms. They can develop healthier habits so they can stay away from drugs and alcohol even when they are out there in the real world. They will also process the emotional issues and problems that contributed to their substance abuse in the first place. They may go through individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, etc. There are also rehab facilities that offer more unorthodox treatment modalities like music therapy, dance therapy, art therapy, hypnotherapy, yoga, meditation, and equine therapy—usually in combination with more traditional treatment programs.
Finally, aftercare provides continuous support even after the person leaves the rehab facility. This is crucial for maintaining long term sobriety. Addiction recovery is a lifelong process, and so the person needs to continue their healing journey even outside of rehab.
Aftercare involves occasional therapy sessions post-rehab, both individual and as part of a group. Over time, the therapy sessions become less frequent as the person learns to maintain their sobriety on their own.
A lot of rehab facilities offer their own aftercare programs, while others will recommend a nearby facility that has it. Some recovering individuals also choose to join support groups to build a sense of community with others who have gone through similar problems.
The journey towards sobriety is not going to be easy. Relapse can happen even after long periods of sobriety. The patient needs to continuously work on staying sober, but with the help of rehab they will be better equipped to do so even on their own.
Long lasting recovery requires hard work and commitment. But if you know what to expect, things are a lot easier to manage.
What Are Three Steps You Can Take to Stay Away from Drugs?
Staying sober is a constant struggle, but rehab gives you the tools you need to stay on the right track. People in recovery use different techniques to effectively stay away from drugs. Thanks to detox, they are no longer dependent. But if they encounter triggers, temptations, and stressful situations, they need to handle it properly.
Rehab teaches effective ways to build healthier habits—and that’s one of the few steps you can take to stay away from drugs.
Building healthy habits allows you to focus on living your life instead of dwelling on the past. You can stay productive and put your energy towards something that enriches and fulfills you. Some people find fulfillment in their career and their professional goals. Some work on raising their family. Some pick up new hobbies and try new experiences.
It’s all about finding better ways to channel your energy, without falling into old habits. Staying busy and productive can help give you that extra motivation to stay sober and healthy. Repetitive tasks can help break bad habits and create new pathways in the brain. Rewiring your brain to include new habits can be tough, but it will help you maintain long term sobriety.
Speaking of staying healthy, another good way to keep drugs and alcohol at bay is to sweat it out. Find the time to exercise on a regular basis. Your body will thank you for it. Sweat it out and get fit. You need at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. It will reduce stress and help with things like anxiety and depression.
Finally, in order to keep yourself on the right path towards recovery, you need to cut off toxic relationships. There are unhealthy friendships and romances that can keep you from making the progress you need. They may be toxic or a bad influence in your life.
Focus on building new and healthy relationships. You need a stronger support system that celebrates your progress and sticks with you through the difficult times.
What Are the Major Causes of Drug Abuse?
There are several factors that can contribute to the development of addiction. Addiction starts with substance abuse and that is caused by factors such as genetics and environment. People with family members who have a history of substance abuse are more likely to develop it themselves. There is a genetic component to addiction.
There’s also an environmental factor that can support a person’s addictive behavior. Early exposure to illicit substances, attitudes towards substances, and other factors can all contribute towards addiction.
Anyone can become addicted to drugs or alcohol. However, some people are at a greater risk of developing it. The more risk factors a person is exposed to, the higher the likelihood that they may develop an addiction along the way. It does not guarantee that they will get addicted, but they are at greater risk.
For example, family history of addiction and mental health disorders are considered risk factors. Other risk factors include peer pressure, early exposure, poverty, and difficult family situations.
People develop addictions for various reasons, but some are more susceptible to it than others. Some even start abusing a substance after getting a prescription from their doctor.
Regardless of the reason, proper addiction treatment is necessary to address the medical condition. Drug rehab works and you have a better chance of regaining your sobriety if you get help from healthcare professionals and addiction experts.
If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, start looking for an addiction treatment facility near you today and find out what programs they offer. Your road to recovery starts today.
Rehab is Your Best Chance
Treatment is an addicted individualʼs best option if they want to recover. Beating an addiction not only requires eliminating the physical dependence, but also addressing the behavioral factors that prevent them from wanting to get better. Simply quitting may not change the psychological aspect of addiction. Some people quit for a while, and then take drugs again, only to overdose because they did not detox properly. Recovery involves changing the way the patient feels, thinks, and behaves.