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Alcoholic Hepatitis: It May Need Liver Transplant




Medical facilities often encounter alcoholic patients, who have produced abnormal liver tests. The regular and heavy consumption of alcohol is often associated with several forms of liver disease, which often includes inflammation, fatty liver, cirrhosis, and hepatic fibrosis. Alcoholic hepatitis, on the other hand, is a term used to describe a severe type of alcohol-related liver illness that is greatly associated with mortality.

  • Alcoholic hepatitis can happen after over 10 years of regularly and heavily drinking alcohol.
  • The average consumption of alcohol in a particular study reveals that 100 g of alcohol can be consumed by one person in a day; equivalent to 10 drinks of alcohol a day.
  • A common patient will be seen with an onset of ascites, proximal muscle loss, and jaundice.
  • Other common effects are also leukocytosis and fever.
  • The alcoholic should get prompt evaluation should there be an infection growing in his body, especially for spontaneous growth of bacterial peritonitis.

Patients with alcoholic hepatitis have their liver biopsy reveal steatosis or swollen hepatocytes that contain eosinophilic inclusion. It is another severe type of alcohol-related liver disease that is associated with the short-term use of alcohol.

Diagnosis of alcoholic hepatitis is typically made based on the clinical laboratory manifestations.

Fever is also commonly seen in those suffering from alcoholic hepatitis. Treatment needs to include abstinence from alcohol as well as other supplemental nutrition.

Generally, the risk of liver disease can increase along with the amount of alcohol consumed and the duration of alcohol use. Although a common factor, the excessive use of alcohol may not be enough to produce an alcoholic liver disease. Take note that only 1 out of 5 heavy drinkers develop alcoholic hepatitis, while 1 out of 4 heavy drinkers develop cirrhosis.

Various alcoholic beverages also hold different quantities of alcohol. In the recent years, fatty liver has been considered the universal result of drinking alcohol heavily. However, up to 40 percent of drinkers who consume alcohol modestly could also have fatty changes.

There appears to be a clear relationship in dose dependency between the use of alcohol and the occurrence of alcoholic cirrhosis. Consumption of over 60 g of alcohol for males and more than 20 g in females can significantly increase a person’s risk of cirrhosis. Also, the steady and regular drinking of alcohol, as opposed to binge drinking, poses more harm to the individual.

In order to truly recover from alcoholic liver disease, one must gradually stop consuming alcohol until full sobriety has been achieved.

Often, patients cannot achieve complete alcohol abstinence without medical assistance. Seeking help from an alcohol dependency management team will be a perfect thing to do.

You can also be confined in a hospital to further expedite your evaluation and treatment especially with encephalopathy, jaundices, or ascites of unknown causes. Patients with known alcoholic liver disease accompanied by fever, renal failure, rapid deterioration of liver function, inadequate oral intake coagulopathy or progressive encephalopathy need to be hospitalized.

Patients who suffer from alcoholic cirrhosis needs care similar to patients with other types of the illness. The treatment will include the management of variceal bleeding, ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, encephalopathy, hepatocellular carcinoma, and malnutrition. Should advance cirrhosis occur, the patients need to be referred immediately to a liver transplant center.

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