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Study Reveals the Impact of Parenting on Child’s Brain Development and Mental Health
Early exposure to harsh parenting during preschool years can have widespread effects on the organization of the entire brain’s communication. Later exposures affect specific brain areas. A new University of Michigan study published in JAMA Pediatrics highlighted how...
What Are Signs of Substance Abuse?
Navigation: What Are Signs of Substance Abuse?, Physical Signs of Substance Abuse, Behavioral Signs of Substance Abuse, Emotional and Psychological Signs of Substance Abuse, Social Signs of Substance Abuse, When Substance Abuse Turns into Addiction, What to Do If You...
Elite Ice Hockey Players with Concussion History have Heightened Mental Health Symptoms
Elite ice hockey players with a history of concussion report heightened mental health symptoms, according to a new study from Lund University in Sweden. In addition, one in five female hockey players suffered symptoms of burnout, and both sexes reported an alcohol...
What is Medication-Assisted Treatment for Drug Addiction?
Navigation: Understanding Addiction: Why MAT is Necessary What is Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)?, The Medications Used in MAT, How MAT Works, The Benefits of MAT, Common Misconceptions about MAT The road to recovery from drug addiction is often long and...
California Mental Health Agency Director to Resign following Conflict of Interest Allegations
California’s mental health commission on Thursday announced its executive director would resign amid revelations that he traveled to the U.K. courtesy of a state vendor while he sought to prevent a budget cut that would have defunded the company’s...
What Are Some Consequences of Long-Term Drug Abuse?
Navigation: Understanding Drug Abuse, Addiction and Dependence, Physical Health Consequences, Mental and Emotional Consequences, Social and Economic Consequences Some people turn to drugs as a way to cope with stress, trauma, or emotional pain. They use these...
Is Taking Drugs a Mental Illness?
Navigation: What is Drug Addiction?, The Brain on Drugs, Is Addiction Itself a Mental Illness?, Co-Occurring Disorders: When Addiction and Mental Illness Overlap, The Self-Medication Hypothesis, Prescription Drug Abuse, Addiction: A Disease or a Choice?, Approaches to...
New Initiative Aims to Train Pediatricians on Early Mental Health Detection
One in five children has an identified mental health problem as early as age 3. Early detection is key to earlier intervention, and it also could prevent more severe conditions down the line, such as ADHD, depression and anxiety. Pediatric primary care is an ideal...