With drugs come so many other problems. In fact, these substances are considered to be among the causes of many crimes happening in this world today. Aside from this, they cause diseases and chaos to many people– to the point of destroying families and the future. Drug addiction has also been a long-standing problem in this world that up to this day, despite having so many drug addiction treatment centers, still remain to be a persistent problem.
In fact, in Ohio, they are suffering from addiction and crime as a result of opioid addiction. Despite the public’s awareness of the epidemic, so many Ohioans still die from drug overdoses. State data shows unintentional drug overdoses rose nearly 33 percent from 2016 to 2017, claiming the lives of more than 4,000 people.
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Nationally, opioid overdose deaths began their gradual rise before the turn of the century; and in 2010, heroin overdoses began to spike. After 2014, synthetic drug overdoses skyrocketed and now are attributed to twice as many overdose deaths as opioids.
Libbie Crawford of East Liverpool understands the tragedy of opioid abuse. Her father suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after serving in World War II. She said he committed suicide when she was just a little girl after becoming addicted to painkillers. And she said she fears for other struggling families who don’t have treatment options.
“We’re going to lose an entire generation of people if we don’t take care of this issue now,” Crawford said. “The war on drugs has not helped. My definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again.”