Who Answers?

The reason why drug addiction is considered a very serious problem is not only because of the drugs but the effects that addiction brings to people. It affects the user in so many aspects. The same goes for alcohol addiction. This can have very tremendous effects on people. This is why so many health units and addiction treatment centers are across the world are trying their best to battle addiction.

The effects of addiction should be dealt with in order to save the health and lives of those who are under the effects of drugs and alcohol. At the same time, help should be available for them so they that they always have a chance to get back on their feet and start a new life.

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With London and its surrounding areas continuing to deal with the effects of addiction, the Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU) has laid out its long-term strategy to combat drug and alcohol abuse. 

Sixty pages long and 30 months in the making, the report acts as a road map, spelling out a cohesive strategy that spans multiple agencies. The report released Tuesday comes after a collaboration involving 50 different service agencies, police and people with experience living with addiction. 

It calls for a “new trajectory” forward and identifies opioids as a particular problem, with overdoses claiming 30 lives in both 2016 and 2017.

Work on the report began back in 2015, when a rise in opioid deaths and problems with impaired driving and crystal methamphetamine use were flagged as significant health problems. 

“We wanted to have a strategy that looked at what we can be doing for the next many years to both address and prevent substance abuse,” said Rhonda Brittan, the health unit’s manager of healthy communities. “It really is about pulling back and looking at the big picture.” 

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