Who Answers?

When it comes to drugs, people can be very artistic just to continue with what they are doing. This is definitely one of the results of getting addicted to the substance. What is worse is the fact that many people are willing to go the extra mile just to continue with their addiction, or to deal drugs to people.

In Dubai, a man has been jailed over smuggling drugs inside frozen meat packets at Dubai Airport. Considering that this is such a dangerous act, people are willing to risk their lives.

The problem with drug has really become more serious in the past years. More and more people are using it. But, it’s also a good thing that a lot are now seeking help change for the better. A lot of rehab services are now available to help people quit drug addiction.


A man’s 2-year jail term for smuggling drugs at Dubai International Airport has been upheld.

In the details, the Arab national had been passing through customs at the airport last November, as per Ittihad report.

The security guard on duty noticed strange-looking parcels stuffed into the man’s pockets.

After searching him, he uncovered three frozen ground meat packages.

The guard placed the meat on the baggage x-ray conveyor belt, where he realised there were square packets also embedded within the meat.

Upon opening the meat packages, he found there was hashish and drug capsules filled with a psychotropic substance.

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