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New research conducted by the University of Toronto and published in the Journal of Affective Disorders Reports highlights that among Canadians previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder, 43% were free of all bipolar symptoms and approximately 1 in 4 (23.5%) had achieved complete mental health.

Despite these encouraging findings, those with a history of bipolar disorder were much less likely to be flourishing than their peers. Three-quarters of those without a history of bipolar disorders were in complete mental health.

The study, analyzing data from Statistics Canada’s Canadian Community Health Survey – Mental Health, compared 555 Canadians with a history of bipolar disorder to 20,530 respondents without such a history. To be considered in complete mental health, participants had to be free from any mental illness in the past year, including bipolar disorder, depression and substance use disorders or suicidal ideation. They also had to report almost daily social and psychological well-being and happiness or life satisfaction.

A recent study has revealed that one in four Canadians with bipolar disorder achieve complete mental health, offering hope to those affected by this challenging condition. The research defines complete mental health as the absence of symptoms for at least one year, along with good psychological well-being and a high level of social functioning. This significant finding highlights the potential for individuals with bipolar disorder to lead fulfilling, symptom-free lives.

Factors contributing to complete mental health in these individuals include strong social support, effective medication management, and access to mental health services. The study underscores the importance of early diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and continuous support from healthcare providers, family, and friends. It also emphasizes the need for public awareness and destigmatization of mental health conditions to encourage more people to seek help.

Despite the challenges posed by bipolar disorder, these findings demonstrate that with the right combination of treatment, support, and self-care, individuals can achieve long-term stability and a high quality of life. The study calls for improved mental health services and resources to support those struggling with bipolar disorder.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction or mental health issues, don’t hesitate to seek help. Call at 855-339-1112 for support and guidance. Taking the first step towards recovery can lead to a healthier and happier future.

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Fel Clinical Director of Content
Felisa Laboro has been working with addiction and substance abuse businesses since early 2014. She has authored and published over 1,000 articles in the space. As a result of her work, over 1,500 people have been able to find treatment. She is passionate about helping people break free from alcohol or drug addiction and living a healthy life.

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